Air Wing

SCG Air Wing History

The Air Wing is where SCG started years ago, under a different name and as just one air unit:  the now venerable JG52. The initial six pilots had a goal: To fly as a real Luftwaffe unit, with a desire to experience as best as they can what it must have been like to fly a fighter in the skies of WWII.   SCG Air Wing has since expanded into two squadrons which provide our members with a variety of plane sets throughout the entire World War II timeframe (fighters, jabos, bombers).  However, the spirit of that initial air unit defines today’s SCG approach to simulation.


Our mutual interest in the aircraft, men and organization of the Luftwaffe is the glue that binds us together (see Disclaimer).


SCG is a team concept that seeks to use historic formation and fighting tactics of WWII. We fly disciplined and support each other in combat, we follow the orders of our commander and try to complete the mission objective avoiding impossible situations and unnecessary risks. The priority is to return to base in one piece, just as in real life. Our main simulation platform is the multiplayer arenas of WWII in IL-2 Great Battles , although there is also a small presence in Flying Circus.


If you want to fly with a great bunch of guys, it doesn’t get any better than SCG!  If you’re new, we can work with and train you; if you’re better than us, then we’d love to have you work with us. We hope to see you soon in our ranks!

Air Wing Organization

The Air Wing is composed of a Leadership OberKommandoLuftwaffe (OKL) and two squadrons.


Leadership (OKL)

OKL is comprised of a Commander, Chief of Staff, Adjutant and each squadron Commander. They meet bimonthly to keep SCG’s Air Wing organized and efficient.


Air Squadrons

Squadrons are organized by aircraft type.

JG52 is a FIGHTER squadron, dedicated to flying the Bf109 & FW190.
ZG1 is a BOMBER squadron, the strike force of Bf110s, Ju-88s, He-111s, and Ju-87s.

Air Wing Leadership

Air Leaders

Luftwaffe Units


Jagdgeschwader 52

Zerstörergeschwader 1

WWI Luftwaffe Units

Awaiting volunteer to lead this group.